Elements of the Communication System

elemen sistem komunikasi
Inlustrasi Sistem komunikasi
1. Source (source)

Parties who send information / tools in charge of generating data / news / information so that it can be transmitted and occupy it on the transmission medium For example telephone and PC

2. Transmitter (sender)

Usually the data generated from the source system is not transmitted directly in its original form. A transmitter simply displaces and marks the information in the same way as electromagnetic signals can be transmitted across multiple sequential transmission systems.

3. Transmision system (transmission system) / transmission media

Form a single transmission line or complex network that connects the source with the destination. His job receives news sent by an information source and distributes news received to the destination. For example through coaxial cable, electromagnetic waves, etc.

4. Receiver (receiver)

The receiver receives signals from the transmission system and incorporates them into a specific form that can be captured by the destination. His job is to receive news sent by an information source.

5. Destination (destination)

Capture data generated by the receiver

Example: electronic-mail (electronic mail), note that the input device and transmitter is a component of personal computer. An intermediary is a user who will send a message to other users. The message of a character string is information. The user then activates the electronic-mail on the PC and inserts the message through the keyboard (device input). This string character is briefly stored in main memory (main memory). We can view it as a series of characters or a series of bits in memory. This PC is connected to some transmission medium such as local network tranceiver or modem. The input data will be transmitted to the transmitter as a series of bits or more precise, voltage shift circuit on some communication bus or cable. The transmitter is connected directly to the medium and converts the incoming bits into a signal suitable for transmission.

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